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5 Ways to wear a BFLT High-Neck Double Lined Tank + Feels About the Social Distancing Situation

Now more than ever we are forced to look at our lives and simplify. I am on day 4 of social distancing and I feel like it is making me appreciate many different things, one of them being, outfit planning and the act of getting dressed everyday. Don't get me wrong there is a lot more I am thinking about during this time, buuuut since our platform is a mobile clothing boutique I though I should stick to our business topic and let other platforms cover the news etc.

When we get dressed in the morning it sets the tone for how our day is going to go. For example, if you throw on a hot pink sweater, you're basically walking around like a highlighter. You probably have a bunch of energy and are in a good mood. If you scan your closet and opt for your favorite red blouse and pencil skirt, you are prepping yourself to have a powerful business-type day. If you aren't working but have a bunch of errands to get done, you might throw on your favorite pair of Lululemons, a ball cap, and your most comfortable sneakers. This is the get 'er done outfit because that to-do list is long and errands (like going to target...kidding, not really) are exhausting. As I sit in my lounge wear, aka joggers and oversized fuzzy cardigan that I wear like its a freaking bathrobe for the 4th day in a row.... it is validating what I have already known about the correlation between mood/production/confidence and your OOTD (Outfit of the day). Your outfit affects your mood, your mood affects your production, and your production affects well, too many things to list. How you dress gets you in a mindset almost like when an athlete puts on a uniform, or a police officer puts on their badge and duty belt, or a doctor puts on scrubs, it's a mental switch that is flipped in our brain that says "now is the time for________" -fill in the blank-- game, work, relaxation, exertion, focus, fun, etc.

I've said it before but I'll say it again, what we wear is more than just fabric that covers our bodies, it is a way of life. We know that as women it is so hard to have the 4 different wardrobes we need these days i.e. professional, casual (weekend-wear), event wear, and athliesure. When you mix in the fact that Reno and many other places have 4 different season we are talking a lot of clothes. At the BLFT, however, we have it down. You don't need a great volume of clothing in your wardrobe. You need to have pieces that work every time you reach for them, pieces that can be worn across all four wardrobes and pieces that make you feel confident.

I am going to highlight one of the many pieces that everyone should have in their wardrobe. We call this a wardrobe staple or the bones of a closet. This is a piece that you could wear every single day of the week, styled differently, and no one would notice. The piece I am going to talk about today is our high-neck double lined tank top.

We have them in a few different colors but I am going to be mostly showing the white and black because these should be the first two colors you add to you wardrobe. This tank can be worn by itself or under items for layering. They can be worn with just about any bottom as they are fitted and tuck in nicely without bunching up under the bottoms. Additionally, here are 5 ways to wear and style these tanks.


Because we are ever so anxiously waiting for the arrival of spring I thought I would start with a spring casual look. When you wear wide leg pants it is usually best to go with something that is fitted on top. Brigitte paired the ivory high neck double lined tank with these flowy wide leg patterned pants. The high waist nature of the pant is ideal for these tanks as they aren't super long which makes them ideal for tucking in and prevents the bunching I talked about above.


Keeping with the spring theme, we thought we would highlight a style that is trending big right now--front tie tops. We always have these at the BLFT because they are such an easy fit. They can be dressed up or down, and the knot placement can be adjusted based on what the individual wants to show off-- or in some cases wants to cover up. Brigitte is pictured wearing two different patterns and material but still the same front knot style.


When in doubt start your outfit with a double lined tank and layer from there. Going out? Throw on a leather Moto jacket. Going to work? A blazer will do the trick. Going to brunch? An oversized sweater that hangs off the shoulder, check! Layering over these is simple. Like I said above, you can wear a double lined tank every day of the week and no one would notice because the styles can be so different.

4. Maxi Skirt

Easy breezy beautiful.... maxi skirt. This effortless and chic look is brought to you by a high neck tank and a simple maxi skirt with side slits and a smock elastic band. This can be a go-to outfit for spring and summer, or even fall if you throw on a denim jacket.

These are just a few of the many ways to style these versatile little tanks. We showed more casual looks, but these can easily carry over to a professional style as well. The key is to have pieces that can be worn across wardrobes and seasons. Pieces you can count on and...

//Pieces that give you maximum confidence and therefore maximum production every day//

If you think about it, if we are at our peak confidence every day when we leave the house, the time adds up and eventually it becomes your life.

Stay safe and healthy during this time, and when social distancing isn't a thing, the BLFT girls can come to your house for a closet consultation or have us come to your office to do a professional wardrobe capsule presentation! Linked the tanks below-- Because we aren't going to the post office, we will only be delivering doorstep drop-offs to the Reno area. Thanks for reading.

<3 Britton



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