Wondering how women seem to look effortlessly stylish and put together all the time? Well, it takes a bit of work to get there but it’s so worth it! Just like any form of exercise, the more you “practice” the easier it will be. With these 5 hacks, you’ll be on the road to putting stylish outfits together in no time!
1. Plan plenty of time to get ready
There’s nothing more stressful than rushing to put an outfit together for the day to only step out feeling unconfident in the way you look all day long. This takes a toll and tends to reflect in your work or confidence in conversations. To avoid this, plan your outfits the night before, have potoroids of your favorite go-to outfits hanging in your closet, and plan more than enough time to get ready in the morning. If you’re ready and have time to spare, that’s a bonus! Relax, sip some coffee, read a book or browse Pinterest!

2. Keep your closet organized
Regularly clean out your closet and donate items you no longer wear or that don’t fit and hang and fold your clothes. When you hang your clothes and fold them appropriately (check out the Marie Konda folding method below) they are much easier to find so you’re less likely to feel like you “don’t have anything to wear” and it helps keep their shape and reduce wrinkles.
3. Have go-to outfits
Hopefully your current go-to outfit isn’t yoga pants and a hoodie, but there’s a good chance it is.. Am I right? I mean, I love throwing on a good pair of Lululemons and a sweater to run a quick errand. There’s nothing wrong with doing that every once and a while, but if you’re doing more than running to the grocery store to grab milk you should put a little more effort into your look. There are so many great athleisure styles that are easy to put together for running errands. In addition to having a go-to athleisure style, you should have your go-to work look for those morning when you sleep in, casual look for when you’re going to meet the girls for brunch, and a date night/ evening event look for those evening networking events or meeting your babe at a nice restaurant for dinner.
4. Go-to Instagram and Pinterest for outfit inspo
When in doubt go to Pinterest and Instagram for some outfit inspiration! There are so many amazing bloggers out there sharing great outfits that might resonate with you. Taking time to Pin and organize outfits on Pinterest is not only fun but a great resource for planning your closet and finding outfit inspiration. On Instagram, search for bloggers with a style you admire and follow them for frequent inspo. These ladies often take a basic outfit and elevate it with simple additions making it easy to put together on your own! See a few of my favorite accounts to follow… Chances my style may differ from yours so we won't be following the same accounts, but you get the idea.
5. Have fun with trends but invest in the classics
Don’t be afraid to try new things, fashion should be fun! It’s important to understand what works for you and makes you feel confident. If you want to play around with a new trend, go for it and have fun with it! But don’t buy trendy clothes just because they’re trendy. A stylish girl knows when to invest in her clothes and investing in the timeless classics you know you’ll wear over and over again is a smart move.
In addition to these hacks, we can’t remind you enough that the most important part of any outfit is confidence! If you don’t feel comfortable and confident in an outfit, start over. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot wear. Wear what makes you say, “FEELING GOOD AS HELL!